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- 50 ways to take care of your mind
- Balance your mind (2021)
- COVID-19 campaign (2020)
- Feed Your Head (2011)
- Festivals campaign (2011)
- Freshers training (2016)
- Making time for your mind (2013)
- Moodbug (2014)
- Patient education pilot (2014)
- Public health champions (2017)
- Student app trial (2021)
- Student education pilot (2014)
- The Big Give (2021)
- The Big Give (2022)
- The Big Give (2023)
- The Big Give (2024)
- The Big Treat (2010)
- University Mental Health Day (2012)
- Young Minds applecards (2014)
- Youth work champions (2016)
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- Shh, secret app code!
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- Feed your mind
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- Know yourself
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- (no title)
- “I need to see a head doctor – so what?”
- “Male brain” vs “female brain” – no difference found
- 12 steps to happiness
- 4 days left to support us!
- 5 herbs for happiness
- A brief history of mindfulness
- A commissioning framework for public health
- A curious mind is an active mind
- A Gift to our Gardeners: Mindapples Impact Report 2014
- A Leap Year Wish
- A little something
- A pill to make you forget?
- A smile a day…
- A summer of mindapples…
- Acting sane
- Alastair Campbell’s five-a-day
- Amy’s 5-A-Day
- An introduction to mirror neurons
- Andy Gibson explains Mindapples
- Andy Gibson speaking at Action for Happiness next week
- Announcing A Mind for Business
- Answers from the margin…
- Apple Camp
- Apple turnover? Mindapples goes down under
- Are resolutions good for you?
- Attitudes to mental health changing ‘for the better’
- Big Treat Line-up Announced
- Bluest Monday of the Year?
- Bringchange2mind
- Calling all bloggers
- Can you catch happiness?
- Cassie’s 5-A-Day
- Celebrities – your votes are in
- Changing Minds
- Children’s University: a Mindapples Challenge
- Comic relief talks Mental Health
- Communicating ‘Mindfulness’
- Competition Time
- COVID-19: a springboard for mental health?
- Curiosity
- Daily dancing – your essential?
- Daily Routines
- David’s 5-A-Day
- Declaring victory
- Diary of a mental health service user
- Does your mind mean business?
- Dominic’s 5-A-Day
- Donate to our #ChristmasChallenge21
- Dr Liz Miller’s health tips
- Drink water! What dehydration does to your mind
- Emotions and the Web
- Erase your fears daily
- Exercise Builds a Calmer Brain
- Exercise cures everything!
- Expert Fives: the Mental Health Foundation
- Eyes Open
- Famous Fives – with Dave Briggs
- Famous Fives – with Scott Pack
- Finding balance
- Five things happy people do
- Foresight Five
- Free webinar: how to feed your mind
- Free wellbeing support for students
- Fresh from the mind orchard Mindapples present….Moodbug!
- Get excited and make things
- Get well in the garden
- Get Well UK Service
- Give Me Five: Corinna Simmonds
- Give Me Five: Hanna Silk
- Give Me Five: Helen Wyllie
- Give Me Five: Lara Munday
- Give Me Five: Nicola Powell
- Give Me Five: Paul Dodsley & Leah Wareham
- Hand Made Health
- Handling pressure and stress at work
- Happiest Helping Together
- Happy 4th birthday Mindapples!
- Happy New Mindapples
- Happy New Year!
- Happy Tapper
- Happy World Mental “Health” Day
- Headroom
- Help us with our research!
- Helping people
- How does work affect your mental health?
- How mad are you?
- How many ways can you draw an apple?
- How Mindapples helps students
- How Mindapples is responding to COVID-19
- How to be happy
- How to communicate with others whilst working remotely
- How to hack your to-do list
- How to recognise and manage our emotions.
- How to stay motivated
- How to think like Sherlock Holmes
- Hybrid working: the point of no return?
- I Love You More
- i-Genius grows Mindapples
- If only you knew
- In Patagonia
- It’s a mad world
- Jamie’s 5-A-Day
- Jessica’s 5-A-Day
- Kindness is good for you
- Lauren’s 5-A-Day
- Life support. The must haves
- Like clockwork
- Listening to the young
- Love at a distance with Moodbug
- Love your mind this World Mental Health Day
- Lovely Stephen Fry
- Make Time For Your Mind
- Making stress your friend
- Mark Johnson on emotional education
- Me and my Mindapples
- Medication for the ‘Insufferably Cheery’
- Meet a Mindapples Champion!
- Mental Health Action Week
- Mental health and sleeping rough
- Mental Health services ‘shut’ to the elderly
- Mental health sick days
- Mind Orchards
- Mind Plan
- Mind Training
- Mind your head
- Mindapple-a-day: “remind myself I only need to be good enough”
- Mindapple-a-day: Amanda’s winter mindapples
- Mindapple-a-day: Calling friends on Zoom
- Mindapple-a-day: Complete silence
- Mindapple-a-day: Eating chocolate
- Mindapple-a-day: Set personal goals
- Mindapple-a-day: Sit on a bench
- Mindapple-a-day: Swimming
- Mindapple-a-day: Turn email off for 5 minutes
- Mindapple-a-day: Write lists
- Mindapples – coming to a festival near you
- Mindapples announces GPs pilot study
- Mindapples announces new university support programme
- Mindapples at the Arcola today
- Mindapples at the Lambeth Country Show today!
- Mindapples at the Secret Garden Party 2014
- Mindapples at the Thames Festival this weekend!
- Mindapples at University
- Mindapples comes to Brixton
- Mindapples COVID-19 update: back-to-school edition
- Mindapples Feel Good Schools
- Mindapples festival round up
- Mindapples festival season kicks off at Lovebox
- Mindapples for Universities: Nottingham Trent
- Mindapples gets UnLtd funding!
- Mindapples Happy Hour
- Mindapples in action: Brixton Market, Oct 2010
- Mindapples in action: Schools in the US
- Mindapples in the Media
- Mindapples in Universities
- Mindapples needs your videos!
- Mindapples on the festival circuit
- Mindapples presents… Meet Your Mind
- Mindapples Presents… Working Positively Under Pressure
- Mindapples presents… Your Mind: A User’s Guide
- Mindapples Press: December 2010 Edition
- Mindapples receives £120,000 funding
- Mindapples Schools Wellbeing Pilot
- Mindapples seminar at the Royal Society for Public Health
- Mindapples training successful in independent trial
- Mindapples trees sprouting for University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day
- Mindapples visits Mayfield school
- Mindapples Wellbeing, Resilience & Performance
- Mindapples wins two Government awards
- Mindapples. Hello.
- Mindapples’ COVID-19 campaign
- Money can buy you happiness, new research reveals
- Moodbug
- My head hurts
- Nature and Mental Health Awareness Week
- Nature delivered
- Never have a bad day ever again
- New mental health services
- New Year’s Temptations
- Nudge vs. #bigsociety?
- Nurturing Relationships
- On happiness
- On needs
- One in Four
- One mind, two systems
- Other people actually reduce our stress levels
- Peggy’s Five-A-Day
- People managers: the new front line
- Phobia of cockroaches? Serious game could help
- Pitching Mindapples to the mental health sector
- Please welcome the Mindapples app
- Predictably irrational?
- Productivity tips from the pros
- Psychology and the Economy
- Recreational mental health
- Reflections on 2011
- Relationships are the only things that matter
- Resolutions for your Mind
- Rethink
- Rethinking mental illness
- Robert Holden’s Five
- Rohan’s 5-A-Day
- Sanity and the City: Relationships at Work
- Setting the record straight about introverts and extroverts
- Should you explain your decisions?
- Show your support
- Simple lessons change teens attitude
- Sing your way to happiness
- Sir Ken’s New Book
- Sleepless? Stressed? Anxious? Exhausted?
- Solitude
- Sophia’s 5-A-Day
- Spring fever
- Stand to reason
- Starting university – why I think mindapples can help
- Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
- Steph’s five a day
- Steph’s Mindapple
- Steve’s 5-A-Day
- Suspicious Minds
- Tal Ben Shahar
- The 2011 Mindapples advent calendar
- The 50 Ways campaign: thank you!
- The Americanization of Mental Health
- The art of research
- The best of the 2011 Mental Health Congress
- The Big Treat
- The Big Treat in action
- The Downsides of Emotional Intelligence
- The Elephant and the Rider
- The Future of Mindapples Web Apps?
- The Hear and Now Project
- The Mind Manual, out now
- The Mind Matters
- The Mindapples Tree at the Museum of Happiness
- The Mindfulist
- The missing middle of modern meditation
- The Psychiatrists’ Mindapples
- The results from the Belgian jury…
- The RSA Journal plants some Mindapples
- The Stresses and Strains of School
- The surprising truth about what motivates us
- The three types of burnout
- Theory of Change: The Mindapples Approach
- Thinking about vegetables
- This Emotional Life
- This Much Depression
- Time to change
- Times for your mind
- Understanding men’s mental health
- University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day
- Unravel your mind
- Video your mindapples
- VInspired launch ‘Making Time for Your Mind’ campaign with Mindapples
- We Feel Fine Book
- Web TV show about The Mind, this Friday at 7:30PM
- Wellbeing for home schooling
- Wellbeing in lockdown
- What can you do about a bad mood?
- What makes an extrovert?
- What’s next for mental health?
- What’s your five-a-day?
- When is asleep not asleep?
- Whole population mental health
- Why having fun is good for you
- Why I wrote A Mind for Business
- Why it’s OK to make mistakes
- Why taking care of our feelings matters
- Why we feel anxious
- Why we make mistakes under stress
- Why workplace wellbeing?
- Why you need to deal with your emotions
- Will Happiness Find me?
- Winter delight
- World Health Day
- World Mental Health Day
- Year 10 prepare to launch Mindapples to the whole school
- Young and ambitious, time for a quarter life crisis then?