We conduct our own research and impact evaluations, and work with clients and partners to assess the outcomes and value of our interventions.
Many of the reports into our workplace programmes are confidential, but we have collected anonymous feedback and occasionally work with our clients to publish our successes. The reports into our charitable programmes are made available to the public as long as participant confidentiality permits us to do so. We’ve shared everything we can here, so you can see for yourself how our programmes can help.
If you’re interested in working with us to see if our services can help people you care about, get in touch now.
Ten years of Mindapples
Mindapples was founded back in 2008, shortly before the Five Ways to Wellbeing was launched, and the Time to Change campaign began. We were at the launch of Action for Happiness, and Andy Puddicombe from Headspace ran a meditation workshop at our first major public event in 2010. We were part of the first wave of campaigns and interventions to take mental health out of the shadows and make it a mainstream goal for society and organisations.
In 2018, we looked back at ten years of Mindapples, and summarised our commercial and charitable highlights in two commemorative reports:
Take a look at the highlights from the first ten years of our charitable campaign here:
Healthy minds, healthy communities: 10 years of the Mindapples campaign
And here are the best bits of ten years of workplace training, innovation and e-learning programmes:
Healthy minds, healthy business: 10 years of Mindapples in the workplace
We’re proud of our track record of inspired audiences and happy customers. We look forward to working with you to make the next decade of Mindapples even more fruitful.
Evaluations of our training
Learning about our minds helps us to manage our health, improve our wellbeing, and cope better with stress.
In two separate controlled trials of our training programmes and one follow-up evaluation, the University of York found statistically significant increases in wellbeing, coping with stress and understanding of the mind, even months after our training had finished.
Download the reports
Student education pilot (2014)
We worked with London South Bank University and the University of York to test whether our training helped nursing and social care students manage their minds and support their patients.
2014 London South Bank Mindapples pilot (PDF, 796KB)
Patient education pilot (2015)
We partnered with University of York, Comic Relief and the National Survivor User Network, to test whether our training could help users of NHS mental health services manage their minds.
2015 NSUN Comic Relief Mindapples pilot (PDF, 242KB)
Freshers training pilot (2016)
In this follow-up study, we sought to establish if Mindapples training could help first-year students at London South Bank adjust to university and protect their wellbeing.
2016 London South Bank Freshers Pilot (PDF, 527KB)