Dear blogosphere,
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to join the Mindapples project and tell the world, what’s your five a day?
Here’s how it works:
- Write a post telling your readers five things you do that help keep you mentally well (and answer any of the other survey questions too if you like)
- Link to the Mindapples site www.mindapples.org
- Invite five blog-friends to do the same (if you want to)
And that’s it.
Here are my five (at the moment):
- Playing the piano
- Talking with my best friends
- Emptying my inbox (yeah, right)
- Listening to podcasts in bed
- Walking in the park
And I’d like to invite Euan Semple, Stowe Boyd, JP Rangaswami, Ewan Macintosh and David Jennings to do the same.
And while we’re at it, Stephen Fry and, ooh, Richard Branson too. (Well it can’t hurt to try.)
In fact, I’ll just ask everyone I know.