Money can buy you happiness, new research reveals
Research published today has revealed that money is much more useful for making people happy than was previously thought. Despite the popularity of books like The Spirit Level and Happiness, and a large body of recent studies across the developing world suggesting that economic performance does not in fact correlate with wellbeing or life satisfaction, new research […]
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Love at a distance with Moodbug
“I could never do a long-distance relationship” your sixth form self once stated. Now at university you find yourself planning your weekend activities around your significant other’s visit and hopelessly pining after them whilst watching Netflix in bed after a day of lectures. Well you’re not alone, nearly a third of people who claim they […]
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Fresh from the mind orchard Mindapples present….Moodbug!
Leaving for university can be an emotional cocktail. A blend of excitement and freedom with a large dash of fear and as many a student will know, too many cocktails physical or emotional will leaving you feeling a little worse for wear. Moodbug is a simple app available for iPhones that lets you share your […]
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Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
At his Stanford University commencement speech in 2005, Steve Jobs, CEO and co-founder of Apple and Pixar, tells a heart-warming tale of some of pivotal moments in his life. Told in three stories – the first about ‘connecting the dots’, second on ‘love and loss’ and the third about death, Steve urges us to pursue […]
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I Love You More
I Love You More Than is a site where you can submit your own ideas about love….
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