Give Me Five: Corinna Simmonds
Corrina Simmonds is a Wellbeing Practitioner at University Centre Sparsholt and is passionate about helping students look after their minds and supporting them when things get tough. 1. Tell us about your mind. What’s it like up there? Hmm tricky to answer as it depends…sometimes is BUSY things are going in and out and around […]
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Give Me Five: Hanna Silk
Hanna is a postgraduate student with the Open University. She volunteers as Representative for Wales at Open University Students Association and is a mum of three and fan of terrible jokes! We were delighted to chat to Hanna about her mind, mental health and wellbeing, and how a Mindapples webinar helped her to start thinking […]
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Mindapples announces new university support programme
Since launching our new app in January 2021, we’ve been working with universities and colleges to give away free year-long subscriptions to UK students, to support them during the current challenges of COVID-19 and the ongoing pressures on student mental health. We’ve now secured funding to support a full package of free support for participating […]
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Children’s University: a Mindapples Challenge
Our friends at the Essex Children’s University have asked us to design a Mindapples Challenge for their next newsletter. A mindapple is anything you do that’s good for your mind. It can be anything you like, from reading a book to playing games. Thinking about simple things we can do to look after our minds […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Calling friends on Zoom
Mindapples trainer Amanda shares Nigel’s mindapple, chatting to friends on zoom. Feeling related to other people is an important psychological need, the self-determination theory explains that relatedness is an absolute basic need in order to feel good. So although Nigel’s zoom call is ‘just for a chat’, he’s providing an absolute basic psychological need for […]
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Mindapple-a-day: “remind myself I only need to be good enough”
Mindapples’ Head Gardener Andy Gibson shares Naomi’s Mindapples about “reminding herself that she only needs to be good enough.” We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, particularly if we’re high in conscientiousness, if you’re the kind of person that thinks there’s a correct way for things to be done and who cares a […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Turn email off for 5 minutes
Emails are a pressure of the modern world, people are always able to message us quickly and there’s a sense that we need to respond. It’s not just emails, it’s all kinds of devices, things that alert us to another message or another thing we might need to think about. And these can become distractions. They stop […]
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Theory of Change: The Mindapples Approach
The aim of Mindapples is to help everyone take better care of their minds. Research carried out by Mindapples and the charity Mind in 2013 showed that more than half of the people surveyed had never thought about the health of their minds, and 56% of the people wanted to know more about their mental […]
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Fresh from the mind orchard Mindapples present….Moodbug!
Leaving for university can be an emotional cocktail. A blend of excitement and freedom with a large dash of fear and as many a student will know, too many cocktails physical or emotional will leaving you feeling a little worse for wear. Moodbug is a simple app available for iPhones that lets you share your […]
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Steph’s five a day
My lovely friend Steph , a product designer, has shared her five a day with us… “I’ve heard of this from a friend…Lauren gives good hugs too” I heavily daydream and all the time. Here is what are in my daydreams-when I listen to piano music I believe I am playing that tune (by the […]
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