social enterprise

Get inside our heads

Mindapples receives £120,000 funding

I’m hopeless at keeping secrets, particularly when I have good news to share. So it’s with great pleasure that I can finally announce an investment of £120,000 in Mindapples from Maudsley Charity. Maudsley Charity’s funds are made up of donations that have been made to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and its predecessor organisations, […]

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Reflections on 2011

What a year. 2011 has been one of the fiercest and most eventful I’ve ever known, and a big one for Mindapples. There have been some challenges, to say the least. It’s been difficult for everyone in the voluntary sector this year, and we’ve lost some good people and projects in the cuts and economic […]

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Mindapples Press: December 2010 Edition

As someone who has taken an interest in the growth and development of Mindapples over 2010, I thought you might appreciate a little update on where we’ve got to and where we’re headed! NHS pilot As I announced earlier this week, we now have a confirmed grant from Guys and St Thomas’s Charity to pilot […]

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Group if young people holding up their apple shaped cards with what they do everyday to look after their minds. Mindapples promote positive mental health from an early age.