Mindapple-a-day: Amanda’s winter mindapples
Mindapples trainer Amanda shares her winter mindapples: Cosy nights in by the fire with a good book A glass of red wine More zoom chats with friends A run, even when it’s grey and drizzly And a bracing swim in the sea!!!!
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Mindapple-a-day: “remind myself I only need to be good enough”
Mindapples’ Head Gardener Andy Gibson shares Naomi’s Mindapples about “reminding herself that she only needs to be good enough.” We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, particularly if we’re high in conscientiousness, if you’re the kind of person that thinks there’s a correct way for things to be done and who cares a […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Turn email off for 5 minutes
Emails are a pressure of the modern world, people are always able to message us quickly and there’s a sense that we need to respond. It’s not just emails, it’s all kinds of devices, things that alert us to another message or another thing we might need to think about. And these can become distractions. They stop […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Sit on a bench
The New Economics Foundation are on a mission to increase wellbeing and came up with ‘The 5 Ways to Wellbeing’ – things that we can incorporate into our routine to benefit our mind. One of these ways is to ‘take notice’, so sitting on a bench relaxing and taking time out to notice things around us […]
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Theory of Change: The Mindapples Approach
The aim of Mindapples is to help everyone take better care of their minds. Research carried out by Mindapples and the charity Mind in 2013 showed that more than half of the people surveyed had never thought about the health of their minds, and 56% of the people wanted to know more about their mental […]
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A Leap Year Wish
It’s been inspiring and encouraging to see the publicity around the Young Minds Matter series launched by The Duchess of Cambridge when she was guest editor of the Huffington Post this month. Especially the theme of taking preventative action. At Mindapples, that’s obviously a theme that is close to our hearts. If you’ve come across […]
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The Mindapples Tree at the Museum of Happiness
We were delighted to have the Mindapples Tree at the wildly successful Museum of Happiness event in Spitalfields Market. The Museum of Happiness brought together a ball pit, silent disco, laughter yoga, virtual reality experience, TickTheBucket and much, much more, all with the aim of doing things that raise spirits. I snuck into the Joy […]
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Phobia of cockroaches? Serious game could help
Cockroaches; if the mere mention of this word sets your body a quiver and your sweat glands into overdrive then you may have Katsaridaphobia – what the National Geographic calls the fear of cockroaches. But Imagine if you could play a game on your phone that could help you overcome your fear without a living […]
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Mindapples trees sprouting for University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day
Today is University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day and students all over the country are putting on all sorts of events aimed at promoting the mental health of people in Higher Education. Mindapples is delighted to be supporting the day again and helping to raise awareness of this really important cause. A number of universities […]
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Love your mind this World Mental Health Day
This coming Thursday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. World Mental Health Day is often a time when people focus on raising awareness of mental illness. Mental illness in all its forms still causes huge suffering to individuals and families, and yet it receives only a fraction of the medical research investment of other […]
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