The Mindapples blog has been our outlet for our thoughts, inspirations and company announcements since 2008. It’s actually how Mindapples started, just blogging about mental health and wellbeing, and inviting people to share what they do that’s good for their minds.
Now we use it in two ways: for occasional announcements and updates about what we’re doing, and to post articles about psychology and health research that could help people get to know their minds better. Browse the recent posts below, and get in touch if you find something interesting that you think we should be reading.
The Big Treat in action
For the past three days, the AMAZING Mindapples Gardeners have been producing our first public event, The Big Treat, in central London. We’ve had massage, salads, juices, meditation, digital detox clinics, tango lessons, kung fu and even expressive dance, all in a pop-up health farm that truly surprised and delighted hundreds of unsuspecting people. Here’s […]
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Big Treat Line-up Announced
We’re delighted to announce the line-up for this week’s Big Treat, our exclusive pop-up health farm in association with Courvoisier. The Big Treat 16-17 July 2010 The Future Gallery 5 Great Newport Street London WC2H 7HY Free entry Nearest tube: Leicester Square Come down and treat yourself! Friday 16th July 2010 12:30 – lunchtime meditation […]
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Mindapples gets UnLtd funding!
Good news from the Mindapples garden. I’m delighted to announce that Mindapples has received a Better Net Level 1 Award from UnLtd and the Nominet Trust! The Better Net Awards are a new initiative to fund early-stage projects that use the internet to solve social, educational, health and environmental issues, and tackle issues like online […]
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The missing middle of modern meditation
I have a lot of conversations about meditation. And over the last few years, as the mainstream interest in meditation has grown and I’ve met more and more people wanting to learn the practice and the theory of meditation – and in particular mindfulness-based meditation – the supply to satisfy the demand of that interest […]
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4 days left to support us!
Hello Mindapplers, We have lots of interesting projects coming up this summer to help raise the awareness of Mindapples and the 5-a-day campaign. Here’s a few juicy highlights… First things first, we’ve entered the Barclays Take One Small Step competition. Please support us so we can grow more and more! All you need to do […]
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Rethinking mental illness
Rethink has created a petition calling for the new UK Parliament to act to improve things for people affected by mental illness. I just signed it, and rather than e-mailing everyone, I thought I’d post it here. The pledge is simple, ‘we care about mental illness and need a government that will act’. Rethink wants […]
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A brief history of mindfulness
Hang out around mental health circles either side of the Atlantic at the moment and soon enough you’ll hear someone talking about mindfulness. And here in the UK, the status of mindfulness as official flavour of the psychotherapist’s month was secured this year when the Mental Health Foundation launched its Be Mindful project. With its […]
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How many ways can you draw an apple?
‘Something To Do’ is a zine the talented Lauren Gentry started as a little project a few weeks ago now. “I spent one night cutting & sticking this 2 -in- 1 collage booklet, full of illustrations & found images, to then distribute them around a few spots in Dundee (Dundee Contemporary Arts & Groucho’s Music […]
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Mindapples at the Arcola today
If you’re near the Arcola Theatre in Hackney today, come down and check out their Green Sunday, hosted by Mindapples. We’ll be there from 3 o’clock, talking about the Mindapples project and also the New Economics Foundation’s Five Ways to Well-Being. There will be workshops in all kinds of activities that might be good for […]
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The Mindfulist
Each day The Mindfulist posts a new topic to meditate or think on – to slow you down and help you focus. The best time to practice mindfulness is right now. Take a deep breath.
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