The 50 Ways campaign: thank you!
In May 2021, Mindapples ran our first full advertising campaign promoting “50 ways to look after your mind“. The campaign was inspired by the wonderful work of our illustrator Helen Wyllie, and we wanted to use her artwork to remind people of the importance of looking after their minds during these uncertain times. What happened The […]
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Children’s University: a Mindapples Challenge
Our friends at the Essex Children’s University have asked us to design a Mindapples Challenge for their next newsletter. A mindapple is anything you do that’s good for your mind. It can be anything you like, from reading a book to playing games. Thinking about simple things we can do to look after our minds […]
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Wellbeing in lockdown
Everyday mental health is a more pressing issue than ever. Those of you who have been following Mindapples’ activities during the COVID-19 pandemic will know we’ve been putting more of our material into the public domain to get people talking about we can all do to look after our minds. (Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Swimming
Amanda shares one of Alans 5 a day. What exercise do you do regularly that’s good for your mind?
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Mindapple-a-day: Eating chocolate
Amanda shares one of Gitas five a day for her mind. Why is chocolate such a comfort? Robert Thayer talks about moods being a relationship between energy and tension, when we have high energy and low tension this is our ‘happy place’, or state of flow. Completing tasks feels easy, we’re motivated and in […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Calling friends on Zoom
Mindapples trainer Amanda shares Nigel’s mindapple, chatting to friends on zoom. Feeling related to other people is an important psychological need, the self-determination theory explains that relatedness is an absolute basic need in order to feel good. So although Nigel’s zoom call is ‘just for a chat’, he’s providing an absolute basic psychological need for […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Amanda’s winter mindapples
Mindapples trainer Amanda shares her winter mindapples: Cosy nights in by the fire with a good book A glass of red wine More zoom chats with friends A run, even when it’s grey and drizzly And a bracing swim in the sea!!!!
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Mindapple-a-day: “remind myself I only need to be good enough”
Mindapples’ Head Gardener Andy Gibson shares Naomi’s Mindapples about “reminding herself that she only needs to be good enough.” We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, particularly if we’re high in conscientiousness, if you’re the kind of person that thinks there’s a correct way for things to be done and who cares a […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Turn email off for 5 minutes
Emails are a pressure of the modern world, people are always able to message us quickly and there’s a sense that we need to respond. It’s not just emails, it’s all kinds of devices, things that alert us to another message or another thing we might need to think about. And these can become distractions. They stop […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Sit on a bench
The New Economics Foundation are on a mission to increase wellbeing and came up with ‘The 5 Ways to Wellbeing’ – things that we can incorporate into our routine to benefit our mind. One of these ways is to ‘take notice’, so sitting on a bench relaxing and taking time out to notice things around us […]
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