
Get inside our heads

Make Time For Your Mind

This is a guest blogpost by John James Morris who took part in the Team v campaign “Make Time For Your Mind”. During my first campaign, raising awareness of youth homelessness with Team v, I spent three nights sleeping rough in Stoke-On-Trent. It was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done […]

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The Elephant and the Rider

This summer we are delighted to tell you that one of our talented gardeners, Johanna De Mornay Davies, has written and illustrated a beautiful short story ‘The Elephant and The Rider’ to help spread the Mindapples word. The book tells the tale of an Elephant named Mynde and his journey with his rider Yew through […]

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Happy New Mindapples

Hello to you, a very happy new year to all of you out there in Internet land. 2012 was a big year for Mindapples. We secured investment from the Maudsley Charity to help us grow, and launched our new training programme, Your Mind: A User’s Guide, which has been working with some big employers to […]

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Mindapples festival season kicks off at Lovebox

The British summer is here and it’s time for dancing in the sunshine (wind/rain/delete-as-appropriate). And that means it’s time for the Mindapples Gardeners to don their dancing boots and take to the fields to find out what UK festival-goers do to look after their minds. This weekend we kicked off our summer festivals campaign at […]

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Mindapples presents… Your Mind: A User’s Guide

Learn how to improve your mental performance and get the best from yourself and others. On 26th April 2012, Nathalie Nahai and Andy Gibson from Mindapples will be offering an intensive hands-on training event on how our minds work, featuring basic tools to help us understand our minds, become more resilient, and manage ourselves and […]

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Happy 4th birthday Mindapples!

Mindapples is 4 today. On 29th February 2008, I submitted the original proposal to Social Innovation Camp that led to the creation of the Mindapples campaign, and ultimately the organisation it is today. Yes, that’s right, we are a leap-year baby. The idea for Mindapples came originally from my conversations with my dear friend, Jo […]

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Why having fun is good for you

We all know that leisure time makes us feel good, but now scientific evidence shows that taking time out and engaging in activities you enjoy really does lead to both psychological and physical wellbeing. It’s a well-established fact that physically healthy actions such as eating well and getting enough sleep make us feel better, it […]

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Mindapples receives £120,000 funding

I’m hopeless at keeping secrets, particularly when I have good news to share. So it’s with great pleasure that I can finally announce an investment of £120,000 in Mindapples from Maudsley Charity. Maudsley Charity’s funds are made up of donations that have been made to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and its predecessor organisations, […]

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Reflections on 2011

What a year. 2011 has been one of the fiercest and most eventful I’ve ever known, and a big one for Mindapples. There have been some challenges, to say the least. It’s been difficult for everyone in the voluntary sector this year, and we’ve lost some good people and projects in the cuts and economic […]

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The 2011 Mindapples advent calendar

Have you checked out our lovely Advent Calendar yet? Throughout December we’re sending you a Christmassy mindapple a day. Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook to get the updates, and you can subscribe on our new Mindapple-a-day feed too. Here’s a selection of the best so far…

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