Life support. The must haves
This is a month long project of must haves (life support) on a day to day basis for 30 days. The theme is based around the little things that Jeniee Greene “can’t” live without or get her through the day, today, yesterday, whichever day. My favourite is laughter: “This one is just too easy. I […]
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Nurturing Relationships
There is a very insightful article in the Guardian about how important Christmas is for nurturing our relationships with friends and family. Using some data from the new report by the Young Foundation Sinking and swimming: understanding Britain’s unmet needs, the article points to the increase in anxiety and depression and how important a renewed […]
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Never have a bad day ever again
I was naughty and opened a Christmas present early ( thank you @mypolice ) I’m glad I did because now I can share it with you 🙂 “Learn to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and share them with others. Never Have A Bad Day Ever Again records small everyday pleasures and finally gives them […]
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In Patagonia
They say travel broadens the mind, and for those of us who are lucky to do it once in a while, it certainly does. I’ve been in South America for the past month taking a very overdue holiday, and the effect on my mental state has been quite remarkable. I feel happier, healthier, more energised […]
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This Emotional Life
This Emotional Life is a three-part series that explores improving our social relationships, learning to cope with depression and anxiety, and becoming more positive, resilient individuals. Harvard psychologist and best-selling author of Stumbling on Happiness, Professor Daniel Gilbert, talks with experts about the latest science on what makes us “tick” and how we can find […]
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The Hear and Now Project
Many of us could do with the benefits that come with regularly practising meditation – as it can help develop qualities such as calm, focus and compassion. And perhaps nowhere are these qualities needed more than in the hustle and bustle of modern city life. However as much as we may want to go and […]
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We Feel Fine Book
Lots of people I know will love this new We Feel Fine book. “Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world’s newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling”. When it […]
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Glenn and Jessie Close have launched a really interesting new mental health campaign called bringchange2mind. “1 in 6 adults and almost 1 in 10 children suffer from a diagnosable mental illness. Yet, for many, the stigma associated with the illness, can be as great a challenge as the disease itself. This is where the misconceptions […]
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Rethink: Working together to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life.
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Sleepless? Stressed? Anxious? Exhausted?
Relentless consumption, spiralling debt, information overload. Is modern life making you ill? William Leith discovers the hidden problems with living in a 24-hour world.
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