Please welcome the Mindapples app
We’ve very pleased to announce the launch today of the Mindapples smartphone app! The Mindapples app is a new way to learn about your mind. Based on our popular “5-a-day for your mind” campaign and proven training programmes, the app gives you fascinating insights about how our minds work, and helps you apply them to […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Calling friends on Zoom
Mindapples trainer Amanda shares Nigel’s mindapple, chatting to friends on zoom. Feeling related to other people is an important psychological need, the self-determination theory explains that relatedness is an absolute basic need in order to feel good. So although Nigel’s zoom call is ‘just for a chat’, he’s providing an absolute basic psychological need for […]
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Mindapple-a-day: Amanda’s winter mindapples
Mindapples trainer Amanda shares her winter mindapples: Cosy nights in by the fire with a good book A glass of red wine More zoom chats with friends A run, even when it’s grey and drizzly And a bracing swim in the sea!!!!
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Mindapple-a-day: “remind myself I only need to be good enough”
Mindapples’ Head Gardener Andy Gibson shares Naomi’s Mindapples about “reminding herself that she only needs to be good enough.” We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, particularly if we’re high in conscientiousness, if you’re the kind of person that thinks there’s a correct way for things to be done and who cares a […]
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How Mindapples is responding to COVID-19
Hello. Like so many other businesses, I wanted to set out a short update on how Mindapples is dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. The situation is changing all the time but we will respond to this changing threat and play our part in overcoming it. Mindapples is a resilient business. Our commercial and charitable operations […]
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Phobia of cockroaches? Serious game could help
Cockroaches; if the mere mention of this word sets your body a quiver and your sweat glands into overdrive then you may have Katsaridaphobia – what the National Geographic calls the fear of cockroaches. But Imagine if you could play a game on your phone that could help you overcome your fear without a living […]
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Mindapples trees sprouting for University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day
Today is University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day and students all over the country are putting on all sorts of events aimed at promoting the mental health of people in Higher Education. Mindapples is delighted to be supporting the day again and helping to raise awareness of this really important cause. A number of universities […]
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Why having fun is good for you
We all know that leisure time makes us feel good, but now scientific evidence shows that taking time out and engaging in activities you enjoy really does lead to both psychological and physical wellbeing. It’s a well-established fact that physically healthy actions such as eating well and getting enough sleep make us feel better, it […]
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Mindapples Press: December 2010 Edition
As someone who has taken an interest in the growth and development of Mindapples over 2010, I thought you might appreciate a little update on where we’ve got to and where we’re headed! NHS pilot As I announced earlier this week, we now have a confirmed grant from Guys and St Thomas’s Charity to pilot […]
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Happy World Mental “Health” Day
Hello folks, and a very happy World Mental Health Day to you all! To celebrate, Mindapples have been on tour around London, beginning in Brixton on Thursday and Saturday, and culminating in installing the Mindapples Tree at CityCamp London in the Hub King Cross today. It’s been an amazing few days, stepping far out of […]
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