The idea

Lovely Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry’s great advert! Thanks for the pic @ Tom de Grunwald 

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The art of research

A few people have asked us recently if we’re trying to produce an official “five-a-day” from the Mindapples research. There are a lot of different lists of recommended actions for our mental health, and many offer interesting talking points. We don’t want to add to that pile by producing yet another set of five things […]

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I Love You More

I Love You More Than is a site where you can submit your own ideas about love….

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Bluest Monday of the Year?

In a very Mindapples type article in the Telegraph today, they asked some eminent figures for their ‘cheer-up’ tips. Here is just a sample from the article: Anthony Horowitz, author and screenwriter: “If you’re stuck in the city at a time of high stress, the best thing is to pop down to your local cemetery. […]

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This Much Depression

The publication, This Much Depression is about the seasonal affective depression(SAD) in Vancouver. As Vancouver has lots of rain, compared to other places, many people are suffered from the SAD. This book tells about what is SAD, personal experiences of SAD and how to get over it. The signage designed for measure the depression of […]

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Daily Routines

A delightful blog I found called Daily Routines through One Floor Up, collects the stories of daily routines of ‘How writers, artists, and other interesting people organize their days.’ Example: P.G. Wodehouse “On most days, he would get up at half past seven, go out onto the porch at the back door, and do the […]

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New Year’s Temptations

Hello, it’s Andy here. A very happy New Year to you, from me, and as Tessy has said already, from the Mindapples team. I’ve been taking a break from computers, ideas and work since 19th December and now feel much better thankyouverymuch. Hope you had a good restful break too. It’s that time of year […]

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Happy New Year!

A mental health building block you can buy from Etsy

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Resolutions for your Mind

Mental Health charity, MIND, warned yesterday that New Year’s resolutions could be bad for your health – particularly when we are armed with self-improvement resolutions. Mind chief executive Paul Farmer said focussing on problems or insecurities can lead to feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem and even mild depression. “We chastise ourselves for our perceived shortcomings […]

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This is a pic of a Mindapples meeting: relaxed … illuminated. Sigh, not really. But a very nice image never the less, from the Temporanea 08 Exhibition in Milan.

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