Times for your mind
Interesting piece in the Times a while back (thanks to the lovely Katherine at the RSA for sending it my way) about simple daily activities you can do for your mind. Paul Farmer of Mind is quoted but the ideas seem to come from all over the place. I’d be interested to hear what people […]
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Jamie’s 5-A-Day
Jamie Ridler posted her great list: Here are my top five things to do every day (or every week) to stay mentally healthy: Journal: I find that there is so much going on in my busy brain that a daily release of it onto the page really helps me find calm and clarity. It’s especially […]
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The art of research
A few people have asked us recently if we’re trying to produce an official “five-a-day” from the Mindapples research. There are a lot of different lists of recommended actions for our mental health, and many offer interesting talking points. We don’t want to add to that pile by producing yet another set of five things […]
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Cassie’s 5-A-Day
Cassie Robinson wrote her beautiful 5-a-day…. – Having what people these days call a portfolio career means my days are varied and often improvised, a freedom that I love but that I’ve found requires some management of energy. Improvisation comes from a solid foundation I think and my solid foundation is making sure I stick […]
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Jessica’s 5-A-Day
Jessica posted her 5-a-day… and sent the beautiful photo above too. “Here are the top five things that I try to do every day to stay mentally healthy, keeping in mind mentally healthy is relative and not always successful:” 1. I am friends with myself. This means that I speak to myself kindly and treat […]
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Rohan’s 5-A-Day
Rohan Gunatillake posted his 5-a-day, which includes a valuable plea for slowing down and appreciating the people around us: 1. Walk the walk. As someone who headed up his own wellbeing movement in the past, I had to put this one in. By reducing the speed of my pace of walking just a fraction, I find that […]
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David’s 5-A-Day
David Jennings, author of Net, Blogs and Rock ‘n’ Roll, has some marvellous links within his Mindapples list! “This comes with the warning that my mind feels fairly badly inspissated at the moment, but that may be because I’ve not been getting all five sufficiently regularly.” Meditation, or bathing a baby. Best to get the […]
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Sophia’s 5-A-Day
Sophia Parker wrote this really interesting post on her 5-a-day…. “I find it oddly moving to read other people’s submissions. There’s a Theodore Zeldin-esque quality* to what people say: we gain new insights about aspects of people’s minds and emotions that usually remain hidden. Making these things public leaves us readers with a warm […]
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Lauren’s 5-A-Day
Lauren Currie wrote this lovely piece on Mindapples on her blog: There is something so real and genuine about this initiative. The team are using the web to draw together a community of knowledge about what works for ordinary people. It is a question everyone can answer and an issue I believe is close […]
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Peggy’s Five-A-Day
Peggy Fussell sent us her lovely Mindapples, some fun links… and a beautiful illustration! Peggy Wrote: “We all know we should “Strive for Five” servings of fruits and veggies a day to keep our bodies healthy. Jim tagged me with the task of describing the 5 things I do everyday to keep my spirit happy & healthy. […]
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