Mindapples for Universities: Nottingham Trent
We launched Mindapples for Universities in September 2021 and so far we’ve worked with hundreds of students to help them to take better care of their minds. We’ve done this by working in partnership with teams from Student Services, Student Associations, Marketing and Digital Communications to deliver our support in a multi-departmental, cross-campus campaign. So […]
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Mindapples announces new university support programme
Since launching our new app in January 2021, we’ve been working with universities and colleges to give away free year-long subscriptions to UK students, to support them during the current challenges of COVID-19 and the ongoing pressures on student mental health. We’ve now secured funding to support a full package of free support for participating […]
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Free wellbeing support for students
Since 2013, the Mindapples Charity has worked with over 100 universities around the UK to promote mental wellbeing and support students to look after their mental health. We’ve provided public health education campaigns since 2008, and we work with top global businesses to provide world-class training and e-learning to support their employees to maintain their […]
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Please welcome the Mindapples app
We’ve very pleased to announce the launch today of the Mindapples smartphone app! The Mindapples app is a new way to learn about your mind. Based on our popular “5-a-day for your mind” campaign and proven training programmes, the app gives you fascinating insights about how our minds work, and helps you apply them to […]
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There are approximately 421 million Facebook statuses posted, 200 million tweets and 40 million Instagram posts everyday… that is a lot of zeros. It’s also a lot of time. Time which, nowadays, we just don’t have. Why is there no quick and simple alternative to scrolling through hundreds of posts until we finally find out […]
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Love at a distance with Moodbug
“I could never do a long-distance relationship” your sixth form self once stated. Now at university you find yourself planning your weekend activities around your significant other’s visit and hopelessly pining after them whilst watching Netflix in bed after a day of lectures. Well you’re not alone, nearly a third of people who claim they […]
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