The Mindapples blog has been our outlet for our thoughts, inspirations and company announcements since 2008. It’s actually how Mindapples started, just blogging about mental health and wellbeing, and inviting people to share what they do that’s good for their minds.
Now we use it in two ways: for occasional announcements and updates about what we’re doing, and to post articles about psychology and health research that could help people get to know their minds better. Browse the recent posts below, and get in touch if you find something interesting that you think we should be reading.
Mind Training
I went to see some very helpful people at Mind this morning for their campaign skills training – a marvellous free service they offer to people like me who care about mental health but don’t know what to do about it. It was great to meet people at the sharp end of the spectrum, campaigning […]
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Expert Fives: the Mental Health Foundation
I spent a very pleasant few hours with Simon Lawton Smith of the grassroots organisation ok2b today. I’d not met Simon before, but we heard some excellent piano playing at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (I thoroughly recommend their free recitals), and then had a good chat about Mindapples. Simon’s day job is […]
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Famous Fives – with Scott Pack
I asked Scott Pack about a week ago to think about what his Five A Day might be, and he very kindly just replied with this unusually literary focused list: “One. I will read aloud to the children every night. Reading out loud is very different to the normal reading experience and I can almost feel my […]
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Famous Fives – with Dave Briggs
Today we’ve asked Dave Briggs about the most important things he does to stay mentally well. I asked Dave if wearing orange was part of a much grander plan? “To be honest, the tshirt I am wearing in my Facebook pic, and the one to which you were referring, I think, is red rather than […]
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The results from the Belgian jury…
Okay, so it’s not quite Eurovision but we’ve had over 70 responses already from countries as diverse as Brazil, New Zealand, South Africa and the US(of)A. Thank you all so much for taking up the challenge, and please keep spreading the word. Some of the most popular fives so far are talking to friends/family, meditation, […]
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The initial Mindapples research survey aims to get an idea from the public what are the 5 most important things they do regularly to help them maintain their mental wellbeing. This is very exciting indeed! We hear a lot from experts about mental health but rarely ask regular people what they personally have come to […]
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What’s your five-a-day?
Take the Mindapples test today and help us find the most popular things we all do to stay mentally healthy. Take the 2-minute test We’ve used Surveymonkey to create a quick survey to find out your five-a-days. We’ll publish the results here once we’ve had a few responses, and then we’ll use the popularity of […]
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Mindapples. Hello.
Welcome to Mindapples.org, a blog on the way to a new kind of mental health campaign. Read more about the idea, discuss the issues and help us work out what we need to do to make it happen. More to follow…
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