This coming Thursday 10th October is World Mental Health Day.
World Mental Health Day is often a time when people focus on raising awareness of mental illness. Mental illness in all its forms still causes huge suffering to individuals and families, and yet it receives only a fraction of the medical research investment of other more socially-acceptable issues, and a tiny proportion of spending on healthcare services despite costing the country around £105bn a year. Mindapples supports greater investment in the research and treatment of mental illness, and we would encourage every single one of you to do so too.
However, we have never been an organisation focussed on mental illness. Our goal, as it has been since 2008, is to promote the positive side of mental health, to help people understand and take care of their minds, get the most from themselves and promote good mental health and wellbeing throughout society.
So this year at Mindapples, we are spreading the message ‘Love Your Mind‘ on World Mental Health Day, to promote positive mental health. We rely on our minds for everything we do, and we can all do something to take care of them. So please help us spread the word, and Love Your Mind.
If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, we would love your support for our Thunderclap campaign. We need 100 people to sign up for a mass social media message to be sent out at noon on October 10th, World Mental Health Day, with the message “Love Your Mind”. We’ll also be posting some lovely images on Thursday on the Mindapples Facebook page for you to share.
If you don’t like social media, remember you can still tell people about World Mental Health Day the ol’ fashioned way by starting positive conversations about mental health with the people around you. Talking to each other is good for our minds!
So please help us reach our target, put this issue a little more on the map, and maybe have some fun in the process.
Happy World Mental Health Day to you for Thursday, and here’s wishing good mental health to all of you, whatever that looks like for you.