Why workplace wellbeing?
Smart businesses promote wellbeing at work. Find out why with Andy Gibson and Mindapples.
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How to recognise and manage our emotions.
Mindapples trainer Anna helps us all to notice when our emotions are getting in the way of us managing our responses and shares some top tips into how we can all keep our cool.
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Handling pressure and stress at work
“Very few tigers are found prowling around the floors of a law firm,” says Rebecca Tipper in the second of Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co LLP’s blogs on the Mindapples programme. Developing our skills with Mindapples By: Rebecca Tipper 04 Dec 2015 Mindapples is a not-for-profit business which aims to teach us how our minds […]
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Mindapples presents… Your Mind: A User’s Guide
Learn how to improve your mental performance and get the best from yourself and others. On 26th April 2012, Nathalie Nahai and Andy Gibson from Mindapples will be offering an intensive hands-on training event on how our minds work, featuring basic tools to help us understand our minds, become more resilient, and manage ourselves and […]
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Why having fun is good for you
We all know that leisure time makes us feel good, but now scientific evidence shows that taking time out and engaging in activities you enjoy really does lead to both psychological and physical wellbeing. It’s a well-established fact that physically healthy actions such as eating well and getting enough sleep make us feel better, it […]
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A brief history of mindfulness
Hang out around mental health circles either side of the Atlantic at the moment and soon enough you’ll hear someone talking about mindfulness. And here in the UK, the status of mindfulness as official flavour of the psychotherapist’s month was secured this year when the Mental Health Foundation launched its Be Mindful project. With its […]
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12 steps to happiness
Here’s another take on the “things you should do to be happy” riff, this time from the Care Services Improvement Partnership. Interestingly they reference the economic crisis – which is funny because the economic crisis is also referencing us. Here’s a summary of their, erm… twelve: In situations of sustained social, economic and psychological stress, […]
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