Video your mindapples
Look! Lauren has filmed her friends’ five-a-days and turned it into a lovely video! Please send us your videos of you and your friends talking about what you do to stay mentally in shape. We’ll compile the best footage into a short video explaining the Mindapples idea and hopefully inspiring lots more people to do […]
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Celebrities – your votes are in
Mindapples volunteer Heleana has done a marvellous job of tallying up all your answers about which celebrities you’d like to hear from. Here are the top 20 people whose five-a-days you’d like to know: 1. Stephen Fry (we love you Stephen!) 2. Barack Obama 3. Gordon Brown 4. Dalai Lama 5. Nelson Mandela 6. Richard […]
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Mindapples needs your videos!
Hello Mindapplers. We want to make some fun videos explaining Mindapples, and you can star in them! Please send us your videos (or post them on YouTube and tag them ‘mindapples’) of you sharing your five-a-day and/or explaining Mindapples, and we’ll feature you on the blog and maybe include them in our promo videos too. […]
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Unravel your mind
The mindapples team would like you to tell us what you do to unwind. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to unravel their thoughts?
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Times for your mind
Interesting piece in the Times a while back (thanks to the lovely Katherine at the RSA for sending it my way) about simple daily activities you can do for your mind. Paul Farmer of Mind is quoted but the ideas seem to come from all over the place. I’d be interested to hear what people […]
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Andy Gibson explains Mindapples
Craig at the O’Reilly GMT blog has very kindly posted a video interview with me explaining the Mindapples project and talking a bit about how far we’ve got. He caught me on the hop a bit: no time to do my hair, although I did manage to dress up a bit. Here’s the video from […]
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The art of research
A few people have asked us recently if we’re trying to produce an official “five-a-day” from the Mindapples research. There are a lot of different lists of recommended actions for our mental health, and many offer interesting talking points. We don’t want to add to that pile by producing yet another set of five things […]
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Alastair Campbell’s five-a-day
Yesterday, Jo and I went to Stand to Reason’s ‘Celebrating Recovery’ conference at City Hall to pester politicians about Mindapples. And within five minutes of arriving, we’d already got Alastair Campbell’s five-a-day! In case you can’t read that, it says: Sleep Family / home Exercise (including playing football) Bigger cause (including Burnley FC) Laughter (see […]
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Tal Ben Shahar
Tal Ben Shahar, Harvard positive psychology lecturer and author, has been kind enough to send through his five-a-day: Time with people I love – usually with family members. Doing something that is meaningful and pleasurable to me professionally (usually writing). Quiet listening to favorite music. Physical exercise for 30-60 minutes (running/yoga/etc). Gratitudes before going to […]
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Mind Plan
I spent the weekend at Social Innovation Camp helping the Owngrown team do interesting things with real apples. Amongst the team was the lovely Jim Rokos, and meeting him properly reminded me to post a link to this. As Jim puts it: “The main food-groups of a balanced diet are well known. However, the essential […]
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