Mindapples at the Arcola today
If you’re near the Arcola Theatre in Hackney today, come down and check out their Green Sunday, hosted by Mindapples. We’ll be there from 3 o’clock, talking about the Mindapples project and also the New Economics Foundation’s Five Ways to Well-Being. There will be workshops in all kinds of activities that might be good for […]
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Are resolutions good for you?
It’s that time of year when people start making New Year’s Resolutions. But according to psychologists, most of the time we just end up being unhappy at our failure to do them. We make promises that we don’t keep, which makes us feel bad, and so we do things to feel better. Like comfort eat. […]
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Life support. The must haves
This is a month long project of must haves (life support) on a day to day basis for 30 days. The theme is based around the little things that Jeniee Greene “can’t” live without or get her through the day, today, yesterday, whichever day. My favourite is laughter: “This one is just too easy. I […]
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In Patagonia
They say travel broadens the mind, and for those of us who are lucky to do it once in a while, it certainly does. I’ve been in South America for the past month taking a very overdue holiday, and the effect on my mental state has been quite remarkable. I feel happier, healthier, more energised […]
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Pitching Mindapples to the mental health sector
Mindapples has been on its summer holidays for a month, but with World Mental Health Day and New Year’s Resolutions fast approaching, we’re back and kicking up a gear again (in a nice sustainable, healthy sort of way). So, to kick things off, here’s a video of me pitching Mindapples at the Innovation Exchange Festival […]
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5 herbs for happiness
My friend Sorrell at the Chamomile Clinic has sent me something to share with you: her five herbs for happiness. Lemon balm – a truly balancing herb, whether you are anxious or depressed this herb can bring back a sense of balance into your life and it tastes delicious as a herbal tea. Valerian – […]
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We’ve been a bit quiet here on the Mindapples blog (my book coming out, Lauren’s MA due in, Tessy on holiday…), but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. One of the things I’ve been up to is contributing to a new Channel 4 programme, Alone in the Wild, in which Ed Wardle will […]
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Mind Orchards
The gardeners at Mindapples have been thinking about ‘mental spaces’. We want to turn Mindapples into a physical community by tagging places in cities and offices as ‘Mindapples zones’. Basically, places that make you feel more mentally healthy, like a park, a great view, or a really relaxing cupboard. We want to find really beautiful, […]
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Get excited and make things
Here’s some beautiful advice from my friend Matt Jones for anyone who’s feeling flat or powerless in these times of economic downturn:
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How does work affect your mental health?
Alain de Botton’s new book, The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work, is out today, which has got me thinking about work again. Mental health in the workplace, and particularly its relationship to our sense of self and personal happiness, has been of great interest to me ever since I suffered stress-related illness a few years […]
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