The Mindapples blog has been our outlet for our thoughts, inspirations and company announcements since 2008. It’s actually how Mindapples started, just blogging about mental health and wellbeing, and inviting people to share what they do that’s good for their minds.
Now we use it in two ways: for occasional announcements and updates about what we’re doing, and to post articles about psychology and health research that could help people get to know their minds better. Browse the recent posts below, and get in touch if you find something interesting that you think we should be reading.
Get excited and make things
Here’s some beautiful advice from my friend Matt Jones for anyone who’s feeling flat or powerless in these times of economic downturn:
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One in Four
One in Four Magazine is published by Social Spider. They want the magazine, wherever possible, to be available free to the core group of people it is written for – those with mental health difficulties, their friends and families. Read an excellent interview with the editor here -his mission is to challenge our stereotypes.
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Mind your head
Mind your head : It all starts here. You can start making a positive difference today, just by changing your own attitude to mental health issues. Mental health stigma has spread across society, in schools, in the media, amongst friends and families. But if we act together, we can make a difference. Mind Your Head […]
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The Mind Matters
A SERIES of events promoting the mental health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people will take place in Edinburgh. The Capital’s LGBT health and wellbeing centre will run the series – called The Mind Matters programme. It aims to address mental ill-health issues among LGBT people in an environment which helps to address […]
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On needs
Nice post here from my friend Sophia about new approaches to the question ‘what constitutes a good life today?’ I’m linking to it here partly because I want to add support to Richard Layard‘s comment that how we relate to each other is important to our individual wellbeing. It’s what I was writing about on […]
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Listening to the young
What is it like to be a young person with mental health issues? Three teenagers who have found it hard to forge their sense of identity as young people with mental health issues. “It is time professionals stopped treating people as disordered statistics, and instead saw us as people. Ordinary humans, who just happen to […]
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Whole population mental health
The Department of Health (DoH) has outlined a new strategy for helping people who suffer from, or might face, mental illness during their lifetime. ‘New Horizons’ is the government’s new strategy promoting good mental health and well-being and is set to build on the National Service Framework, which comes to an end at the end […]
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Mental health sick days
Council workers’ diet and fitness has less of a role in the number of sick days they take than mental health and relationships, according to a new report. Research carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) at four north English councils found eating properly and exercising were not a significant factor between low and high absence levels. […]
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Mental Health Action Week
We all know what it’s like to feel frightened. But for 1 in 7 people in the UK, persistent feelings of overwhelming fear and anxiety are debilitating. Many people are ruled by their anxiety, unable to do the simple, everyday things that most of us take for granted – like going to work. A charity […]
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World Health Day
“The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrated World Health Day on Tuesday. The theme this year is Save Lives. Make hospitals safe in emergencies. Those who face the added challenges and stresses of mental illness can be even more affected by emergencies than others. Focusing on making the health care system safe during emergencies can go […]
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