The Mindapples blog has been our outlet for our thoughts, inspirations and company announcements since 2008. It’s actually how Mindapples started, just blogging about mental health and wellbeing, and inviting people to share what they do that’s good for their minds.
Now we use it in two ways: for occasional announcements and updates about what we’re doing, and to post articles about psychology and health research that could help people get to know their minds better. Browse the recent posts below, and get in touch if you find something interesting that you think we should be reading.
The Hear and Now Project
Many of us could do with the benefits that come with regularly practising meditation – as it can help develop qualities such as calm, focus and compassion. And perhaps nowhere are these qualities needed more than in the hustle and bustle of modern city life. However as much as we may want to go and […]
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We Feel Fine Book
Lots of people I know will love this new We Feel Fine book. “Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world’s newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling”. When it […]
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Glenn and Jessie Close have launched a really interesting new mental health campaign called bringchange2mind. “1 in 6 adults and almost 1 in 10 children suffer from a diagnosable mental illness. Yet, for many, the stigma associated with the illness, can be as great a challenge as the disease itself. This is where the misconceptions […]
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A little something
The Mindapples blog has been a little quiet lately as Tessy and me have been super busy. We like to think our tweets are happy and interesting ( Thanks ArrivalEd for confirmation ) and we would like to invite you to follow us: Follow Mindapples| Follow Redjotter | Follow Tessy Watch this space for mindapples […]
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Pitching Mindapples to the mental health sector
Mindapples has been on its summer holidays for a month, but with World Mental Health Day and New Year’s Resolutions fast approaching, we’re back and kicking up a gear again (in a nice sustainable, healthy sort of way). So, to kick things off, here’s a video of me pitching Mindapples at the Innovation Exchange Festival […]
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Rethink: Working together to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life.
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5 herbs for happiness
My friend Sorrell at the Chamomile Clinic has sent me something to share with you: her five herbs for happiness. Lemon balm – a truly balancing herb, whether you are anxious or depressed this herb can bring back a sense of balance into your life and it tastes delicious as a herbal tea. Valerian – […]
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Sleepless? Stressed? Anxious? Exhausted?
Relentless consumption, spiralling debt, information overload. Is modern life making you ill? William Leith discovers the hidden problems with living in a 24-hour world.
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We’ve been a bit quiet here on the Mindapples blog (my book coming out, Lauren’s MA due in, Tessy on holiday…), but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. One of the things I’ve been up to is contributing to a new Channel 4 programme, Alone in the Wild, in which Ed Wardle will […]
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Attitudes to mental health changing ‘for the better’
Sue Baker, director of the Time to Change programme, which is tackling the stigma around mental health problems, said: “Attitudes towards mental health issues are finally beginning to move in the right direction. Deep-seated prejudices are starting to shift and it’s a further sign that we are heading towards a tipping point in England and […]
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