Hello to you, a very happy new year to all of you out there in Internet land.
2012 was a big year for Mindapples. We secured investment from the Maudsley Charity to help us grow, and launched our new training programme, Your Mind: A User’s Guide, which has been working with some big employers to raise corporate knowledge of how our minds work and how to use them effectively. We also supported “5-a-day for your mind” campaigns at 14 UK universities and, as always, were a colourful addition to the UK festivals circuit. Thanks to those of you who volunteered, supported us, told your friends and particularly who funded us, bought trees and toolkits and hired us to deliver training in your business. You are all very nice and we like you lots.
2013 looks like being even bigger as we start to scale up our training work and build our organisation to take the campaign to the next level. Here’s what we’re up to, and how you can help.
Mindapples is recruiting trainers
The increasing success of our training programme means we now need more people to deliver it, so we’re looking for smart, charming folks who can run amazing corporate training workshops and have a passion for how the mind works. Psychology training would be a big advantage, whether academic or self-taught (BSc or higher preferred), and if you fit the bill we pay healthy freelance rates, and commission if you bring in new clients.
So if you know the perfect Mindapples trainer, tell them to write to pickme@mindapples.org with their CV, the five things they do to look after their mind, and something funny why understanding your mind is important.
Promoting mental wellbeing in UK Universities
This February sees this year’s University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day, run by our friends at UMHAN, and we’re supporting more UK universities than ever to engage students in taking care of their minds. If you would like a Mindapples tree at your university to help you promote this important topic, we’re offering special discounts for universities on our tree sets throughout January and February 2013. Drop us a line at hello@mindapples.org to receive the discount, or browse our shop to see what we offer.
Patient education
At the end of 2012 we were awarded a small provisional grant from Comic Relief to adapt our training materials for clinical audiences and test whether knowing more about how our minds work can help people live well with chronic conditions. If you have clinical psychology expertise or an interest in patient education and empowerment, please drop us a line at knowledgeispower@mindapples.org.
Transform your workplace this year
We’re on a mission to get large and small businesses harnessing the minds of their people better. Our corporate training programmes introduce essential knowledge about how the mind works and are being used by some of the top companies in the world to help managers and staff work more effectively and stay healthy in the process. If you think your workplace could do with a little Mindapples love, visit www.mindapples.org/yourmind or drop us a line on business@mindapples.org. And don’t forget you can also hire the Mindapples tree and bring in the Mindapples team to make your wellbeing day the colourful, apple-filled experience you know it should be.
That’s it. No more.
Well, we’ve got a few other surprises in the pipeline actually, so watch this space for further updates. And as always, thank you for helping Mindapples grow. Here’s to the Mindapples orchard continuing to thrive in 2013.