Mental health sick days
Council workers’ diet and fitness has less of a role in the number of sick days they take than mental health and relationships, according to a new report. Research carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) at four north English councils found eating properly and exercising were not a significant factor between low and high absence levels. […]
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Mental Health Action Week
We all know what it’s like to feel frightened. But for 1 in 7 people in the UK, persistent feelings of overwhelming fear and anxiety are debilitating. Many people are ruled by their anxiety, unable to do the simple, everyday things that most of us take for granted – like going to work. A charity […]
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World Health Day
“The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrated World Health Day on Tuesday. The theme this year is Save Lives. Make hospitals safe in emergencies. Those who face the added challenges and stresses of mental illness can be even more affected by emergencies than others. Focusing on making the health care system safe during emergencies can go […]
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Diary of a mental health service user
A mental health service user who volunteers at an NHS trust: Monday I edit a newsletter for the NHS trust for one of the local acute mental health wards and have an editorial meeting with the ward manager. The next issue focuses on Mental Health Action week (12-18 April) and we both want the emphasis […]
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Spring fever
At this time of year, there’s a little bit less depression, fewer nasty winter viruses, and of course lighter evenings and the promise of warmer weather…watch the video.
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Happy Tapper
Happy Tapper have launched an iphone application which is a Gratitude Journal. Gratitude keeps coming up in studies as a major source of long-term wellbeing and happiness. The application just gives you another way to keep track of the good things, people and events in your life on a daily basis. A new study shows […]
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Emotions and the Web
MediaSnackers are putting together an exciting new project looking at how people (aged 13-19) feel online. Although it is not live yet I am so interested to see how it will work, as emotions, the web, and networks is a particular interest of mine. I also like the fact that MediaSnackers isn’t approaching this as […]
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Bluest Monday of the Year?
In a very Mindapples type article in the Telegraph today, they asked some eminent figures for their ‘cheer-up’ tips. Here is just a sample from the article: Anthony Horowitz, author and screenwriter: “If you’re stuck in the city at a time of high stress, the best thing is to pop down to your local cemetery. […]
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This Much Depression
The publication, This Much Depression is about the seasonal affective depression(SAD) in Vancouver. As Vancouver has lots of rain, compared to other places, many people are suffered from the SAD. This book tells about what is SAD, personal experiences of SAD and how to get over it. The signage designed for measure the depression of […]
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