We’re very proud to announce today that Mindapples is supporting a new national campaign by youth volunteering charity VInspired to encourage people all around the UK to take more time for their minds.
The campaign, led by VInspired in partnership with Mindapples and our friends at Action for Happiness, uses the Mindapples “5-a-day for your mind” concept to get people across the country talking about what they could do to take more care of their minds.
VInspired aim to inspire a new generation of young people to volunteer through a series of national campaigns. They have delivered one million volunteering opportunities for 14 – 25 year olds in the last five years and currently have over 130,000 members.
The “Making Time for your Mind” campaign promotes healthy minds and happy lives across Britain. Using their very own special edition of our applecards, Team V volunteers will be asking everyone “What’s the 5-a-day for your mind?” and inviting people to pledge one thing that they will do more of to look after their mental wellbeing.
To find out more about VInspired and to sign up to volunteer visit: www.vinspired.com
And if you would to host your own mindapples events in your community, you can buy our fabulous trees and toolkits here or get in touch with us hello@mindapples.org!