Since launching our new app in January 2021, we’ve been working with universities and colleges to give away free year-long subscriptions to UK students, to support them during the current challenges of COVID-19 and the ongoing pressures on student mental health. We’ve now secured funding to support a full package of free support for participating universities which includes:
- An introductory webinar for all students on our most popular topic, Feed Your Mind. In this training topic we explore how our daily routines influence how we feel and what we can do to take better care of our minds.
- A 1-year free subscription to the Mindapples app for all students who want it. The app helps you to understand your mind, explore what affects it and take simple steps to take care of it.
- Champion’s Training for 2 student ambassadors to help them promote mental health and wellbeing to their peers.
- A campaign pack of digital resources to support the promotion of better mental health across university social media channels and within internal communications to students.
Our university partners can choose all of the elements from the package, or just one or two, depending on what they feel will resonate best with their students.
Partnerships with the Open University Students Association and Nottingham Trent University
We’re delighted to announce two initial partnerships, with the Open University Students Association and Nottingham Trent University. We’ll be working with them this year to support their students to look after their minds.
“I’m thrilled to be working more closely with Mindapples. We’ve benefitted from Mindapples sessions and learnt how to ‘Feed your Mind’ since our first session with an OU Mindapples Champion at the very first Volunteer Recognition Event in 2017. Since then, I’ve received Mindapples Champion training myself, a few weeks before we all locked down in 2020, and this year we took delivery of our very own Mindapples tree!”
– Nicola Powell, Senior Volunteer Training and Wellbeing Officer, Open University Students Association
“We are delighted to be partnering with Mindapples. Mental health is a large focus of the health promotion work we do here at NTU, and working with Mindapples as another way to help students learn about the different ways they can look after and support their wellbeing is really exciting. For us, it’s important to focus on lots of different avenues when sharing information to students, so the various different materials and resources provide great flexibility and hopefully maximum impact when reaching our students.”
– Paul Dodsley and Leah Wareham, Nottingham Trent University Student Support Services
Would you like a free Mindapples package of support for your students?
Thanks to the support of our funders, we’re able to extend our offer of free support to many more universities this year. If you would like this for your students, or if you’d just like to find out more and have an informal chat with us, please contact our Head of Partnerships Elaine Craig on elaine@mindapples.org.
Let’s make looking after our minds as natural as brushing our teeth.