In a very Mindapples type article in the Telegraph today, they asked some eminent figures for their ‘cheer-up’ tips.
Here is just a sample from the article:
Anthony Horowitz, author and screenwriter:
“If you’re stuck in the city at a time of high stress, the best thing is to pop down to your local cemetery. I wrote quite a few of my early books in Brompton Cemetery, which is full of architectural curiosities. Highgate, of course, is remarkable – its most famous occupant is probably Karl Marx – and no visit to Paris is complete without a tour of Père Lachaise, the resting place of Balzac, Bizet, Proust, Seurat, Wilde and countless other names. Whichever cemetery you choose, there’s always a chance you’ll meet someone famous… or, rather, someone who was. These green spaces are quiet and reflective, and a good reminder that things could be a lot worse.”
Ruby Wax, broadcaster and Telegraph agony aunt:
“Dive into Raymond Blanc’s chocolate mousse. If you can’t afford to have him show you how to make it at his cooking school, pick up a second-hand copy of his Foolproof French Cookery book and whip up your own.”
Sarah Standing, writer:
“My pick-me-ups all revolve around talking. Belonging to the same book club for over a decade, our meetings have gradually evolved into far more than mere monthly literary discussions – they have turned into a celebration of friendship. I honestly can’t recall a single occasion when I haven’t returned home after a book club session feeling energised and as though my emotional batteries have been recharged. It’s free therapy for the soul, and unlike many of the titles we’ve ploughed through, comes highly, highly recommended.”
Andrew Taylor, author:
“For £12, I bought a cheap ukulele. Two like-minded friends have done the same. A third friend plays home-made instruments (eg a watering can and rubber tubing makes the French hose). Add the occasional bottle of beer. The result is fun, almost free, and hasn’t yet led to an ASBO.”
RS Downie, crime writer:
“Sadly, I always have time for random distractions – so much more fun than work! How about harvesting hedgerow blackberries – fresh air and free food? A walk to the top of Hillsborough, the Iron Age hill fort above Ilfracombe harbour – wild flowers, fresh clean air and fabulous views in every direction? Or waste an afternoon making your own drip paintings at www.jacksonpollock.org. Warning: do not try this if you are really supposed to be doing something important.”