We’ve very pleased to announce the launch today of the Mindapples smartphone app!
The Mindapples app is a new way to learn about your mind. Based on our popular “5-a-day for your mind” campaign and proven training programmes, the app gives you fascinating insights about how our minds work, and helps you apply them to your health, work and relationships.
Available for Android and iPhone, you can listen to audio clips and watch videos about boosting wellbeing, managing stress and looking after your mental health, and then answer reflection questions to consider how these principles show up in practice in your life and work. You can also browse what other people say and get tips and ideas for simple ways to look after your mind.
The first set of content is free for everyone, and covers looking after your wellbeing and finding the 5-a-day for your mind. Later on we’ll be launching a subscription service covering other topics like managing moods and emotions, getting motivated, handling pressure and stress and understanding your personality. Eventually we hope to have the whole of our psychological literacy programme available via the app for anyone to use.