The spring season has been a busy one for Mindapples, with events such as the launch of Action for Happiness and new exciting projects and collaborations coming together. Recently Mindapples has been attracting quite a bit of attention from the media, so here is a little round-up for you in case you missed anything and would like to have a read about what Mindapples have been up to.
On 16 May 2011, The Telegraph published a feature story “Mindapples ‘five-a-day-for-the-mind’ cheerfulness plan to be trialled by NHS” by Julie Cross. The article covers the importance of raising awareness and promoting general well-being through the 5-a-day method. Andy was particularly pleased to be referred to as “an ordinary member of the public” (apparently he has always wanted to be “ordinary”) and explains what the notion of Mindapples aims to achieve and how the idea came about. In the article Dr Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, noted that Mindapples is “an accessible approach to improving mental well-being”. It also talks about the upcoming NHS trial where Mindapples will be spread around waiting rooms in GP surgeries in Lambeth.* The article is definitely a worth-while read and it’s great to see press coverage which really focuses on what Mindapples aims to achieve: to start a healthy conversation about mental wellbeing and to empower individuals to consider and carry out actions independently that they feel are good for their mind.
Mindapples also received media coverage in relation to the Action for Happiness launch event, a movement for positive social change to build a happier society. In an article in the Guardian “This pursuit of happiness makes me queasy”, the author Madeleine Bunting writes about Mindapples as having tools for preventative mental health and says that it really is a concept that could catch on, such as gyms did in the 80’s. Mindapples was featured in a video for BBC News, with a quick interview with Andy about his 5-a-day, and footage of the Mindapples tree at the Action for Happiness event. Andy was also interviewed on the Jeremy Vine BBC 2 radio show (7:20 min) about Action for Happiness and Mindapples. This lead to a discussion on the show with Claire Fox who claimed that self-obsessed materialism is a better motivational tool than personal happiness, so it’s worth a listen.
So there you are, the latest Mindapples media coverage. It really is exciting to see Mindapples and positive mental health being discussed and the word spread around, hopefully making more people aware that their mind is something they should take care of. As for the team, Mindapples are busy working away, planning new exciting projects, and getting ready for another summer of festivals bringing the brand new Mindapples trees to events near you!
Oh and lastly, perhaps a quick introduction, I’m Ruta the new Mindapples research intern *waves*.
Have a great summer!
*Addendum: All our GP surgeries pilot work is subject to approval by research ethics and NHS research governance and will not proceed until all ethical considerations have been satisfied. – Andy Gibson, Oct 2011