One of the driving forces behind Mindapples is the reality that every single one of us has mental health. No matter our age, gender or background….
The research showed that older people were often prevented from accessing care because of stretched services or a lack of age-appropriate care.
Some staff said patient groups considered to be of high risk to the public or where government targets were applicable were often prioritised, leaving older people’s services lagging behind with little funding.
Ms Walker said: “Trusts are not always providing appropriate mental health services to the over 65s. It is truly unacceptable that out of hours and crisis services were often not available to older people. There needs to be a fundamental shift towards providing care based on a person’s clinical need rather than their age”
“Considering a quarter of admissions to mental health inpatient services are over 65, this issue needs urgent attention.The date on a birth certificate should not be the measure of whether or not someone receives the help they need for a mental health problem.”