We think Mindapples can help everyone. If you have a mind, you’re in. But we realise everybody is different, and to reach different communities takes different skillsets. That’s why most of our charitable projects have been done in partnership with other organisations who can help us adapt our work to suit the people they work with.
Mindapples has worked with a lot of amazing partners and funders over the years to deliver mental health and wellbeing campaigns and projects around the UK. Take a look at the highlights from the first ten years of our campaign here:
Healthy minds, healthy communities: 10 years of Mindapples
(PDF, 3.6 MB)
Key projects
Other projects
Here are a few of the smaller projects we’ve been doing in between the big stuff.
Love Your Mind (Mindapples, 2013)
10 October each year is World Mental Health Day, a day when the global community gets together to talk about the health of our minds. The conversations usually focus heavily on illness though, and Mindapples wanted to shift the conversation to the positive and get everyone talking about how they could look after their minds. We used Thunderclap to get over 100 people to sign up to send a tweet or Facebook message at noon on 10 October 2013 encouraging everyone to #loveyourmind. The message was a big hit, being retweeted over 100 times and reaching a whopping 55,958 people – not bad for a free campaign!
Scottish Mindapples (Young Scot, 2011)
A partnership project with Young Scot to take the Mindapples campaign to young people in Scotland. Young Scot’s engagement team used a wooden Mindapples Tree to engage young people at festivals and youth events around Scotland over the summer 2011, reaching thousands of young people and inspiring them to do more to take care of their minds.
GP surgeries pilot (SLaM NHS Trust/Institute of Psychiatry/Maudsley Charity, 2011)
A pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of mindapples trees for engaging patients in GP surgeries in Lambeth in thinking about their mental health. The project was suspended whilst we continue to seek NHS research governance permission to place Mindapples trees in GP surgeries in Lambeth, in partnership with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, NHS SE London and the Institute of Psychiatry, to determine whether Mindapples can help boost public health in communities around the UK. Sadly, however, the main project never made it through the arduous NHS research ethics approval process, but many healthcare bodies now use our materials to promote public mental health themselves.