This Christmas, the Mindapples Charity is taking part in the Big Give #ChristmasChallenge23. We want to raise £12,000 to help us reach more young people with our proactive and preventative approach to mental health education.
In the last 2 years we have developed programmes reaching young people in schools and universities. Delivering training in over 100 schools, and training over 200 student mental health advocates in universities. Feedback has been amazing and demand is overwhelming, we need more funds to reach more young people.
This year we already have £6000 pledged thanks to our generous donors, and we’re looking to raise the other half from YOU. Please give whatever you can to fund this important cause, and help us support more young people to learn about and take care of their minds.
All the money you donate between midday today and midday on 5th December 2023 will be doubled!

Mindapples for Schools
Our work brings whole school communities together to discover and share knowledge that helps them to look after their minds. Young people are empowered to take control of their mental health by choosing their own ways of looking after their minds. As a result, young people are equipped and committed to managing their minds so that they can navigate their way through the challenges of adolescence and successfully transition into adulthood.

What schools say
We’ve worked with some amazing teachers and pupils and we’re very proud of what they’ve told us about how the Mindapples training and support materials have helped them. Here’s a small selection of what our schools said about the Mindapples for Schools Programme.
“Friendly delivery and a nice, small amount of people on the training. Every school in the country should attend this training, it’s never been more important for us to prioritise that of our students and our own mental health.”
Rachael Jenkins, Heath School, Runcorn
“Mindapples training was awesome, we did the online training programme which was really quite small there was only a few of us on the course which was great as it enabled us to ask lots of questions and go into lots of details about how we might use it our school and how it could benefit our staff and pupils, it was a brilliant experience.”
Jude Firth, Assistant Head and Personal Development & Wellbeing Lead, Mayfield School, Portsmouth
“Out of all the mental health courses that I have attended, this was by far the most people friendly. It gave food for thought rather than a set method.”
Clare Ramsbottom, Co-op Academy, Oakwood
“I loved all the visuals and the handouts and resources, can’t wait to use them at school! So excited to launch this to staff and pupils next term.”
Rajia Ahmed, Assistant Headteacher, Whitemore Primary School, Stanmore
“When I do my mindapples, I feel peaceful and more concentrated on my life and also have a more organised routine, and it helps my brain relax and be more mindful of my surroundings.”
Fatima (Year 8)

Mindapples for Universities
Mindapples has worked with student groups and Student Services teams for over a decade, helping them promote mental health and wellbeing through events and digital campaigns. Rather than telling people what to do we promote open conversations and encourage students to share what works for them. We work with students and staff, to help promote mental health and wellbeing for the whole-university community. Participants in our university training programmes have told us:
“The training will help me to speak more passionately about the importance of mental health and wellbeing.”
“The group size was perfect and the person giving the course did a great job of engaging us all and making us all feel heard, involved and respected. Honestly the best webinar I have attended!”
“I really liked how simple but informative the session was. Very easy to understand but clearly evidence based.”
You can read more about our work with universities here.
Here’s a case study about our work at Nottingham Trent University in 2022.

Why do young people need our help?
Did you know that mental health issues are a growing burden on young people and society, and have been made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis? 2022 NHS data analysed by the British Psychological Society showed that the number of under 19’s in contact with children and young people’s mental health services has risen by 55% in the last two years, and they have highlighted the urgent need for investment in early intervention services.
The proportion of students identified as having a mental health challenge has nearly tripled, from 6% in 2017, when the data were first collected, to 16% in 2023.
The Public Health England and Department for Education report on Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing – A whole school and college approach cite early intervention in education settings to identify issues and provide effective support as crucial.
So what are you waiting for?