Show your love for mental health by donating to the Mindapples Charity today.
Mindapples is a UK Registered Charity Number 1173515.

How your donation helps
Your donations help us to:
- train school staff and youth workers to promote mental health and wellbeing to children and parents;
- give free wellbeing support to pressurised students in UK universities and colleges;
- share webinars and resources with other charities, community groups, healthcare trusts and public services;
- campaign for better public mental health and wellbeing through events, social media campaigns and advertising;
- provide free app subscriptions and e-learning licences to people who need additional help managing their minds.
The Mindapples Charity receives no State Aid and is primarily funded through private donations and project grants. One third of the profits of our commercial activities are donated to the Mindapples Charity each year to support our public health work, so you can also support the charity by working with us. Our charitable work is managed and overseen by the Mindapples Charity Trustees, and our commercial team also donate their time to support the Charity.
Other ways to support Mindapples
Use Amazon? You can name us as your Amazon Smile Charity here and donate to us every time you make a purchase.
Can’t afford to donate? Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, share your mindapples and help us promote public mental health and wellbeing.
Together, we can make looking after our minds as natural as brushing our teeth!