We like cookies here at Mindapples, but like so many other things, we also know that too many cookies can be bad for us.
We use cookies (the boring digital kind, not the nice kind) to track activity on our websites, newsletters and apps, so in May 2018 we updated the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for this site, and added a nice new Cookie Policy to explain how we use this tracking information and personal data.
You can download this Cookie Policy here:
We don’t really understand cookies, to be honest, so it’s unlikely we’re going to do anything unusual or complex with them, but it’s good to check. We want to make sure everything we do is fair to our customers and supporters.
If you think we’ve got anything wrong, or if you’d like to talk to us about cookies, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help. We don’t have any cookies for you to eat though, so if you want cookies of your own, best buy them yourself.