Since 2010, Mindapples has been working with partners in the NHS and local government to develop patient education programmes and awareness tools to promote mental health to the public.
Mindapples isn’t a medical charity, but working in healthcare means we can reach people who most need our support – not just people who are mentally unwell, but everyone who uses healthcare services in our communities.
What our healthcare partners say

Lucy Smith, NHS Lambeth
“We trialled out the initiative in the heart of Brixton and something about the tools really worked with people. Instead of telling people what they should do, the Mindapples approach starts a conversation with the public about what they do to feel good.”

Tony Coggins, South London and Maudsley NHS
“What I like about mindapples is that it is not about telling anyone what they should or should not do. People are fed up with being told to eat less junk food or cut back on alcohol. Mindapples is about self-help.”

Patrick Watt, Bupa
“I have worked with Mindapples for a number of years. Their message is simple and compelling and fit for purpose for any audience, particularly those organisations who want to unlock the potential within their people. Highly recommended.”