Sadly it looks like your donation to the Mindapples charity has been cancelled. If you cancelled by mistake, you can try again here:
If you’ve changed your mind about supporting our work, that’s ok. We’re sorry to see you go but we hope you’ll still keep in touch.
If you haven’t done so already, please consider signing up for our email newsletter below. You can also follow our work on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube.

Here’s a reminder of how we use any donations to our charity:
- Equipping us to offer free webinars, learning materials and other mental wellbeing support to charities, community groups, healthcare trusts and local government workers.
- Helping us develop services for schools, to support the wellbeing of pupils, parents and teachers.
- Sustaining our work in universities helping student groups promote mental health and wellbeing for pressurised young people.
- Supporting our public campaign promoting the importance of looking after your mind, via media, events, pop-ups and digital content.
- Enabling us to offer free app subscriptions and e-learning licences to people who can’t afford to buy them, including key workers, disadvantaged groups and mental health service users.
If you want to talk to us about our work, or suggest opportunities for projects, partnerships or just people who need our help, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.