Mindapples in the press
If you’re a journalist, then we’re officially your new best friend. For media enquiries please e-mail us at press@mindapples.org.
Here is a selection of media and stories about us, by us, or featuring us:
“The challenges of the pandemic could be a springboard for real progress in workplace wellbeing.”
Andy Gibson interviewed about post-pandemic workplace wellbeing for People in Law and Personnel Today“Positive states of mind help you to notice possibilities, opportunities and things to explore.”
Andy Gibson interviewed about the COVID-19 lockdown by Julia Streets on the Divercity Podcast, April 2020“What if your moods and emotions were just signposts to how to live a fuller life?”
Andy Gibson interviewed by the Creative Life Show, October 2016“To avoid a reputation as an oppressive leader, however, managers must understand how others think.”
A Mind for Businesss featured in City AM, December 2015“it combines a tool for tracking and monitoring your moods, similar to the kind of “mood diary” you might use in more traditional CBT, with interactions similar to a social network”
Sarah Graham writes about Moodbug in Vice Magazine, August 2015“we need to have a proper conversation as a society about what our minds need”
Andy Gibson interviewed by Conall O’Morain on Today FM’s Sunday Business Show, June 2015“The goal is not simply high engagement, but sustainable engagement – high engagement with low stress.”
Andy Gibson writes about staff engagement and productivity in Engage Magazine, May 2015 (p. 13)“It’s important to recognise the distinction between stress and pressure… A little bit of stress is not good for you. Pressure is motivating but stress is the sign the pressure has got too much.”
Andy Gibson responds to Kelly McGonigal’s controversial views on stress in the Irish Independent, April 2015“Businesses are big buildings full of minds these days. That’s the key unit of production and we need to understand how they work.”
Andy Gibson interviewed on Jazz FM’s Business Breakfast, March 2015
“walking away from wellbeing may mean a re-medicalisation of mental health at a policy level.”
Mark Brown explores the complexities of mental health and wellbeing BBC News, October 2014
“As neuroscience and psychology reveal more about how our minds work, we think huge progress can be made through basic mental health literacy training.”
Andy Gibson explains our education work in The Guardian, April 2012
“I compile my own five-a-day – among them spending a few minutes looking after the plants in my garden and taking a 15-minute cycle around my local common – and I realise that while doing them may not make that bubbling undercurrent of anxiety disappear, it does subside. I feel less useless, more capable.”
Kathryn Knight, Grazia, October 2011
“Mindapples is an idea that is gaining ground at a time when both professionals and politicians are focusing on people’s well-being.”
Julie Cross, The Telegraph, May 2011
“I find Mindapples a pretty intriguing concept, which could really catch on. Just as gyms became a big thing in the 80s, will the 2010s see the arrival of serious preventative mental health?”
Madeleine Bunting, The Guardian, April 2011 (marking us out for praise in a sceptical article!)
“rather than healthy food, this is health activities for your brain”
David Sillito interviews Andy Gibson on BBC News, April 2011
“You know what’s awesome? Mindapples. A nice example of a startup that matters.”
Umair Haque of Harvard Business Review via Twitter, April 2011
“Mindapples focuses on daily practices for mental health.”
Michael Brooks, PSFK, August 2010
“Courvoisier and Mindapples’ Big Treat presents a kaleidoscope of revolutionary approaches to give you your 5-a-day for the mind.”
Our launch event is reviewed in Wellbeing Magazine, July 2011
“There is a strong societal awareness that to take care of our physical health we can go to the gym or eat well, but there is not an equivalent understanding of how to take care of our minds.”
Andy’s article that launched it all in The RSA Journal, October 2008